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Since 1988, with your help we’ve been raising money and funding vital research to save the lives of children with cancer and keep families together.
To mark the achievements of the charity, our Founder and Chairman, Eddie O’Gorman OBE, received the 2018 Pride of Britain Lifetime Achievement Award.
Since 1988 you’ve helped us to fund over 200 research projects, improving survival rates for children with cancer and the treatments they receive. You’ve helped us to fund research centres and respite homes across the country and provide special days out to bring some joy to children and families during the trials of treatment. Please take a look at this short video to see how we began and how you’ve helped.
Our goal is a world where no child dies from cancer. Since 1988, with your help, we’ve been working to improve survival rates and the quality of survival in young cancer patients. Great progress has been made and together we’ve helped drive childhood cancer survival rates up from 64% to 84%. Today, children with cancer are ringing The End of Treatment Bell to mark a huge milestone in their lives – the end of their cancer treatment. We’re delighted to share with you our new animated video, that helps to explain our work over the last 30 years and our vision of a world where no child dies of cancer.
Can you imagine what it’s like to be a child living with cancer? Through a series of short videos, 10 year old Laraib shows us a 24-hour window into her life. It’s hard to believe what this young girl is dealing with on a daily basis. Here, in this short video, you can watch Laraib tell you how her day starts. To see the rest of her day, watch Laraib’s series of short videos explaining 24 hours in the life of a child with cancer!
Super Science Slimy Party
On Sunday 16 May, we held a virtual science party with Einstein’s Entertainers for children affected by cancer
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