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10 children and young people are still being diagnosed every day in the UK.

We are entirely reliant on generous supporters like you.

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Where your money goes

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Around 10 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK.

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8 out of 10 young childhood cancer patients can be successfully treated thanks to vital, specialist research we helped fund.

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We are working to develop safer, kinder & more effective childhood cancer therapies, with fewer toxic side effects.

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We invest in childhood cancer research that would otherwise go unfunded.

So what do we do?

Research is essential

To save children’s lives, research is essential. Childhood cancers are different to adult cancers and need their own research. Most childhood cancers are unique to children.

At Children with Cancer UK we want to find safer, more effective treatments for all young patients. Cancer is still the most common medical cause of death in children and young people. Our focus as a children’s cancer charity is to fund visionary research and bring the breakthroughs that will bring hope to children and their families.

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It started with a promise

Our journey started with a promise to a dying boy. The O’Gorman family were shattered when brother and sister, Paul and Jean, fell victim to cancer within nine months of each other. 14-year-old Paul died only six weeks after his initial diagnosis of leukaemia. But before he died, Paul asked his parents, Marion and Eddie O’Gorman, to help other children with leukaemia.

Paul’s sister Jean, in defiance of her cancer, started to raise money in her brother’s memory. She died just nine months later.

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