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2018 Grant Call for research into childhood and young person cancer causes and prevention.
Children with Cancer UK invited proposals for research projects that addressed causal and promotional factors and possible preventative actions relating to the risk of cancer in children and young persons.
The deadline for preliminary proposals passed on 25th January 2019. We received a total of 34 preliminary proposals for 2018 Grant Call for research into childhood and young person cancer causes and prevention.
Following initial triage by our Scientific Advisory Panel, 9 applicants were invited to submit full proposals, which were assessed by external peer review.
Our Scientific Advisory Panel for this grant call met on Thursday 18th July 2019 to review these applications. Present at the meeting were Mr Alasdair Philips, Professor Denis Henshaw, Dr Kurt Straif and Dr Isabelle Soerjomataram, Chaired by Professor Geoff Pilkington.
Awards announced
Principal investigator | Host institution | Grant title | Total |
Professor Dudley Shallcross | University of Bristol | Assessment of potential health impacts from transplacental exposure to carcinogenic air pollutants | £349,833 |
Professor John Wright | Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Does maternal ambient air exposure to traffic-related particulate matter induce carcinogenic responses in the foetus? | £350,000 |
Dr Eva Steliarova-Foucher | International Agency for Research on Cancer | Cancer risk in childhood cancer survivors (CRICCS): understanding the causes to target prevention | £349,400 |
Dr Fiorella Belpoggi | Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute | Early exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields and cancer: complete evaluation of the Ramazzini Institute long-term carcinogenicity bioassays on Sprague-Dawley rats | £180,060 |
Professor Marco Vinceti | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Motorized Traffic and Risk of Childhood Leukaemia | £222,500 |
Dr Michael Scheurer | Baylor College of Medicine | Timing and Duration of Breastfeeding and Childhood Brain Tumor Risk | £332,838 |
Dr Xiaomei Ma | Yale University | Interaction between ionising radiation and genetic susceptibility in the aetiology of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia | $158,870.40 |
Professor Thomas Seyfried | Trustees of Boston College | Investigating metabolic mechanisms driving childhood brain cancer | $451,891.70 |
Professor Catherine Metayer | The Regents of the University of California | Folate metabolism and risk of childhood leukaemia: a biomarker study | $391,648 |
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