Our first admission lasted 10 days
Maisie was entered into a trial and selected for a third block of treatment. The sequence of treatment and procedures were set out on a timetable. This was a really helpful and we took on information on a need-to-know basis.
It was particularly hard being away from Jack, but family and friends were fantastic and Jack was in good hands. Jack understood that his sister needed to be in hospital and staff and play therapists supported the whole family. We had family picnics in Maisie’s room and I have strong memories of happy times.
Waiting for blood results and procedures requiring anaesthetics became part of normal life and we developed our own strategies for these waiting times. My husband would wait on site, where as I would go for a brisk walk around the block. It was at this time when I first had contact with Children with Cancer UK. Their office is opposite the hospital and I would pop in and make tea or stuff envelopes with tickets for fundraising events.