Starting treatment for leukaemia
Once at the Marsden, Erin was diagnosed with
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and commenced treatment on 5 August 2010 on regimen A. However when her initial bone marrow results came back, they showed that she had the MLL gene, associated with lower survival, and she was moved on to regimen C. We were so scared and being thrown into the complete unknown. As a parent your natural instinct is to be there for your child and protect them, I felt so completely useless as the care of my child was completely out of my hands. I had to completely trust the people around me to look after my little girl. Erin was just 15 months old when she was diagnosed but was so brave and so good for all the doctors and nurses. My older daughter Caitlyn had just turned four. She too was amazing; her holiday ended in disaster and mummy and daddy were not there for her, she had been with my mum and sister. However she did not moan or play up at all. She was amazing and tried so hard to understand what was happening to her little sister and was never once jealous of the attention her sister was getting and how she wasn’t getting any.