Back to school crafts kit

To recognise Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September 2022, Children with Cancer UK partnered up with Made By Me Craft Parties once again to deliver a fun Back to school crafts kit for all of our patient families.

It’s always exciting to get some new stationary and we hope to create some special memories ahead of going back to school by making a personalised cute pencil topper, decorating a pencil case and creating a book bag keyring. Sign-up today by filling in the form.

Materials sent to families: 

  • Decorate a fairly traded pencil case (to include 3 fabric pens, stencils, felt stickers and beads).
  • Make a pencil topper (recycled pencil included)
  • Create a book bag keyring (complete with a shooting star charm and the beaded word ‘hope’)

Each craft activity will be packed beautifully into pretty paper bags and the postal boxes will be packed with tissue paper to give a delightful ‘out of box experience’. Written instructions will be included as well as craft along style videos.

pencil case pens and stencil for back to school craft kit min

About Lexy and Made By Me Craft Parties

Lexy is the founder and owner of the award-winning Made By Me Craft Parties, a small, independent business based in sunny Dorset by the sea. She’s a mum of two wonderful children who were the inspiration for setting up a craft party business nearly 8 years ago.

Offering craft parties over the south coast are the backbone of Made By Me. However, when the pandemic stuck, Lexy created a way for children to celebrate and craft online. Virtual parties led to designing craft kits and in October 2020, Lexy started to work with Children with Cancer UK and produced a spooky Halloween craft kit for their children to make at home.

Cancer charities are close to Lexy’s heart as she lost her mum to breast cancer soon after graduating from university. To be able to work with Children with Cancer UK and their families is an honour and very important to Lexy.

I hope that the children will have happy memories of making their new school supplies at home with their families. So if they ever have a wobble at school and need some reassurance, they have something to remind them that they are amazing and loved.

– Lexy, Made by Me Craft Parties


penicil with blue feathers for back to school craft kit min

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