About this blog

About this blog

The whole process of dealing with a cancer diagnosis can seem utterly terrifying and incredibly isolating. Following our daughter’s leukaemia diagnosis I felt compelled to use our own experiences to explain some of the many impacts that cancer has on a young person’s life and the way it affects so many people around them.

Blogs written by Rachel

  • Patient Name: Suki
  • Cancer Type: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
  • Age when diagnosed: 4

Easter in the lockdown

14th April 2020

Different for so many

This Easter weekend has been a very different one for so many. People apart from their family and friends. People at home and in isolation. People unable to get away on that break they’ve been looking forward to. People working in so many challenging roles to keep the nation going. People doing incredible work on the front line. People facing unimaginable daily challenges. People experiencing desperate times and life-changing moments.
Suki and dad at Easter in hospital

Three years ago

Three years ago, Suki was at the intense stage of chemotherapy treatment, she was in isolation in a hospital room. She didn’t have visits from family or friends. She wasn’t able to go home. Strapped up to drips, she had a tiny egg hunt around her room; before climbing back into her hospital bed, exhausted.

All that childhood cancer has exposed us to

For the last few years Easter has been different for us, this year it is different again. Reflecting on all that childhood cancer has exposed us to, this Easter has been calm and simple; at home, in the sunshine, with each other. Never have we felt more appreciative of our lives as we do right now. For those that can; please, please continue to stay home, stay safe.