About this blog

About this blog

The whole process of dealing with a cancer diagnosis can seem utterly terrifying and incredibly isolating. Following our daughter’s leukaemia diagnosis I felt compelled to use our own experiences to explain some of the many impacts that cancer has on a young person’s life and the way it affects so many people around them.

Blogs written by Rachel

  • Patient Name: Suki
  • Cancer Type: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
  • Age when diagnosed: 4

The coronavirus pandemic and self-isolation yet again

27th March 2020

A glimpse into a life like ours

In self isolation yet again, but this time with the whole world having a greater understanding of what it’s like to live with an ever-present uncertainty, panic and fear. Since Suki’s diagnosis, we have never taken anything for granted. As difficult as this coronavirus pandemic is for everyone, it perhaps gives people a glimpse into a life like ours. A life of self isolation and uncertainty
Rachel Corbett

Weighing up risks

For the last three-plus years we have been neurotic about cleanliness and hand washing; not venturing to crowded places; avoiding cinemas, theatres, restaurants and cafés. Every single decision we have made requiring careful consideration, weighing up risks. We’ve had gatherings cancelled, parties turned down, holidays not even planned. Months upon months of school missed, swimming lessons postponed, ballet lessons never attended. It’s tough and exhausting. It impacts on every moment of your day, on every single conscious thought.


Life becomes complex and overwhelming. So you simplify things. You break things down. You focus on what’s important. You realise what really matters.

Deep breaths

The basic things that cost little but mean everything. You realise that those experiences are worth more than anything. You take deep breaths. You learn to live hour by hour, day by day. You reach for the positives, soak up the goodness and appreciate the richness.


So many days and nights all I dreamt of was to be home and safe with both my girls. Today I’m counting my blessings and am so grateful for all that I have right now. Please, please… Stay safe. Stay home.