About this blog

About this blog

The whole process of dealing with a cancer diagnosis can seem utterly terrifying and incredibly isolating. Following our daughter’s leukaemia diagnosis I felt compelled to use our own experiences to explain some of the many impacts that cancer has on a young person’s life and the way it affects so many people around them.

Blogs written by Rachel

  • Patient Name: Suki
  • Cancer Type: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
  • Age when diagnosed: 4

You’re so strong

8th July 2019

Yet we don’t feel strong

“You’re so strong” “You’re amazing” “I don’t know how you do it” Yet we don’t feel strong, or amazing. We don’t really know how we do it.

Mentally exhausted

We feel… lost scared anxious sad angry guilty helpless confused alone. Above all else, we feel completely and utterly physically and mentally exhausted. Exhausted to the point our head pounds and every bone in our body aches.

Put on a brave face

When your child is faced with a life-threatening illness you have little choice but to dig to depths unknown, to put on a brave face, to appear strong. You do it because you have to. You do it because you have no other choice. You do it because it’s your child. Ultimately you will do whatever it takes to help your child in any way you can, for their astounding strength and courage helps to carry you through.   This article was reproduced by with permission from the author Rachel and was originally published on her Facebook and Instagram page. Want to share your story? Please email stories@childrenwithcancer.org.uk