Find out how you can manage your Children with Cancer UK grant and how we will support you.

For detailed information on managing your Children with Cancer UK grant and the associated obligations of Principle Investigators and Host Institutions, please refer to the Award Letter and Terms and Conditions issued with your grant. Please contact if you have any additional queries regarding your grant.

Starting your grant

The grant can only commence once the Grant Award Letter has been signed by all parties and returned to us. Grants must be started within 12 months from the date on your award letter.

Grant payments

Requests for payment should be delivered according to the award letter in line with the grant budget. Payments will only be made once the award letter has been fully signed and a grant start date has been confirmed. All invoices should include the grant reference, name of Principle Investigator and claim period. The costs incurred on an invoice should be itemised in accordance with the grant budget (e.g. staff costs, consumables, equipment).
  • For staff costs, please include the name of the staff member, basic salary, NI, SA and LA (if applicable). Please note that we will not cover apprentice levy costs
  • Please include an itemised breakdown of all consumables and other research costs incurred on an invoice. This information can be provided within a supporting document (excel or pdf)
  • For equipment valued over £10,000, at least three competitive tenders for the provision of the equipment are usually required, with an explanation of the tender accepted prior to the purchase of the equipment. If it is not possible to obtain three competitive tenders, then this should be explained in a letter to Children with Cancer UK, together with a statement of the Institute’s usual practices and procedures in this situation. On the subsequent invoice issued by the Institute to Children with Cancer UK please detail the item that has been purchased in relation to the grant budget and provide the supplier’s invoice issued to the Institute
The final claim of the grant will only be paid once the final report has been submitted and approved.

How to adjust your grant budget

We will support requests to adjust the existing grant budget when required. Small scale virements between budget headings do not require our approval, if they represent 10% or less of the overall costs within a budget heading. Any other adjustment to the budget must be formally requested in writing. The total grant amount shall not be increased, and we do not provide supplementary funding or costed extensions.

Staff notifications

It is the responsibility of the Principle Investigator to maintain accurate details of all funded staff on the grant. We must be informed of the appointment of any employee funded by the grant. If a new employee is appointed into a position at post-doctoral level or above, we will require an up to date copy of their CV, together with details of their start date, salary scale/grade and contract length. Payment relating to the salary costs of an employee will only be made once this information is provided. We must be notified of any variation to an employee’s work schedule on the grant, including adjustments to working hours, long-term leave, and termination of employment.

Changes to your grant timeline

Suspension to Grant During the term of a grant, you may encounter circumstances which require you to suspend your research. A suspension will pause all research activity on a grant and expenditure against the grant will not be incurred during this time. To request a grant suspension please submit a formal letter detailing the reason for the suspension and outline the anticipated reactivation date. Once the grant is reactivated, we will automatically adjust the end date of your grant to account for the period of suspension. Requests to suspend a grant due to parental or other long-term leave must be submitted to us before any period of leave is taken. No-cost extension requests: A no-cost extension will extend the end date of a grant, giving you more time to complete your project. We will consider requests for a no-cost extension when necessary and justified. A request for a no-cost extension can be submitted by completing a ‘Grant Extension Request’ via our Flexi-Grant system. Please do not apply for an extension any sooner than 9 months before the end of your grant. This will enable us to fully assess your request and consider mitigating circumstances.

Progress reporting

Throughout the term of your grant it is vital that we receive reports detailing the progress of your grant and the impact of your research. Unless specified in your award letter, progress reports must be provided annually within two months of each anniversary of the award start date, with a final report due within three months of the end of your grant. All progress report forms are available through our Flexi-Grant system and we will write to notify you in advance of the due date for each report. Failure to submit reports on time may lead to the delay or refusal of future payment requests. Children with Cancer UK also use Researchfish to collect data on any outcomes and impact arising from our awards. The Host Institution must submit information concerning the outputs from the Research through the e-Val system. Data must be submitted annually from the grant start date up until 5 years after the grant Period. Failure to update Researchfish annually may impact your eligibility for further awards from us.

Communicating your research

We are entirely reliant on the generosity of donations from supporters to sustain our research funding. It is essential that we communicate how your research is leading the fight against childhood cancer and promote its impact. It is a requirement that you notify us in at least 14 days in advance of any publications or presentations resulting from your research, so that we can fully consider wider publicity potential. We must approve any press activity associated wholly or partly with your research prior to release and be given an opportunity to provide a statement as part of the activity. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like support with promoting your research.

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