Here at Children with Cancer UK, we’re dedicated to fighting the injustice of childhood cancer. We fund ground-breaking research that would otherwise go unfunded to help every child with cancer ring their end of treatment bell.

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What is the end of treatment bell?Olivia ringing the end of treatment bell

The end of treatment bell symbolises the end of radiation treatment and being ready to get back to normal life. Ringing the bell is a huge milestone for a child with cancer. End of treatment bells are put into hospitals by the wonderful people at ‘End of Treatment Bells.’

Ringing the bell is a moment for the whole family to celebrate – an opportunity to reflect on what’s been an emotional and physical journey, and to think about the future. The end of treatment bell inspires children with cancer to persevere and it brings hope for the future when things are tough.

Funding research

At Children with Cancer UK we liberate visionary researchers and accelerate breakthroughs, so more children can ring the end of treatment bell. We currently fund more than  60 vital specialist research projects and collaborative groups that would otherwise go unfunded. Donate today so more children can ring the end of treatment bell

End of treatment bell videos

The videos and stories below all show the special moment when a child rings the end of treatment bell. It’s the end of a long and demanding road that every child affected by cancer can be proud of reaching.