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Choose your distance, with 25km and 10km options, gather your bravest guys & ghouls to make up a team or go it alone if you dare and meet up with other chilling challengers. Dress to distress, and our creepy dungeon keepers at The Oval start & finish will meet, greet & shock. Once you escape there’s ghostly looped routes, with zombie rest stops, and if you manage to get back in one piece there’s a macabre medal, a glass of the Devil’s fizz, some horrific hot food & drink and a souvenir bobble hat to ward off the spirits as you head off home.
By joining the Halloween Walk team, you will receive the following support from us:
To find out more about the fundraising requirements and to join our team, please click on the button below. If you are having any issues or have any questions at all, please email us at or phone us on 020 74307788.
If there are any other events you would like to take part in the Ultra Challenge series you would like to take part in to support Children with Cancer UK, you can read about the events and sign up straight away here
Patient Story – Dulcie
Dulcie was diagnosed with stage 4, high-risk neuroblastoma on 9 December 2021, when she was just five years old.
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