Giving up your vice, whether it’s a pint at the pub or a sweet treat, is not just for January.

Children with Cancer UK are challenging you to give up something you crave for a month and get your friends and family to help us help more children with cancer ring their end of treatment bell.


What can I give up?

You know best what your weakness is!

Are you someone who always reaches for a chocolate bar as an afternoon snack?

Been trying to give up smoking but keep caving in?

Spend too much time on your phone?

For this challenge we want you to fight temptation in whatever form it takes for you so get creative.

Why should I take part in the challenge?

  • It’s good for you. Giving up alcohol for a month saves you calories and gains you sleep! Spending less time on your phone gives you valuable time with your friends and family. You’re not just giving something up, you are also gaining something back.
  • It’s good for children with cancer and their families. Every pound you raise for us will help to fund more life-saving specialist research and give us more ways to support families throughout treatment
  • It’s a challenge. It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it! If you think you’ll struggle, why not sign up with a friend and help each other to give up something unhealthy in your lives?