How we work with trusts and foundations at Children with Cancer UK

Trusts and foundations provide a vital contribution to our work, enabling us to fund world-class research, raise awareness and support to children and young people affected by cancer.

You can make a difference today

Regardless of the size of your organisation or donation, your support is hugely valuable and has a significant role in helping Children with Cancer UK improve every young life diagnosed with cancer. By working with us, you can make a lasting difference to children and young people’s lives today and in generations to come. There are a variety of ways a trust and foundation can support us, from providing unrestricted funds to deliver core support, to funding specialist research projects.

Get in touch

So much of what we do wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of charitable trusts and foundations. If you would like more information about Children with Cancer UK and how your charitable trust or foundation can help us to make a real difference. Get in touch by emailing  or call 0788 109 3942.