Research into improvements of the cancer pathway for childhood and young adult cancers

This is a £2.5 million Grant Call for research into improvements of the cancer pathway for childhood and young adult cancers. We are seeking proposals that focus on key questions in any area of cancer research which primarily addresses the needs of children and young adults with cancer and into improved quality of ongoing life.

The grant call went live on Friday 30 September 2022. Apply

Submitted proposals must align with the strategic objectives outlined in the research strategy.

Important Dates & Times

    Invitation for preliminary proposal

  • 30/09/2022
  • Deadline for preliminary proposal

  • 14/11/2022 5:00 pm
  • Invitations for full proposals

  • 09/01/2023
  • Deadline for full proposals

  • 06/03/2023 5:00 pm

What can the funding be used for?

Our project grants are intended to provide funds for the employment of suitably qualified staff and the purchase of essential equipment and consumables for projects lasting up to 3 years that address the objectives outlined above. Please note that we will not contribute towards the cost of tenured posts, nor can we contribute towards institutional overheads. The maximum amount that can be applied for is up to £350,000 for applications from a single institution, or more for collaborations involving more than one institution, though most grants will be for less than this.

Who may apply?

Proposals must be submitted by a UK academic institution (university, hospital or research institute). We will consider funding international collaborations where researchers from a UK institution play a leading role. If a grant is awarded to such a collaboration, the UK institution must take overall responsibility for management of the project and must undertake to administer the funding. Please note that we will accept no more than two proposals from a single research group.

Application process and timetable

First stage application The first stage is a preliminary proposal which must be submitted using our online grants portal, following the link below. Preliminary proposals are reviewed by our Scientific Advisory Panel who decide which proposals to put through to the second stage. Decisions are based on the perceived NEED of the proposed research, the potential IMPACT of the proposed research and the capacity of the research team to deliver the proposed research.
Second stage application Second stage applications will be subject to full, external peer review to assess the scientific quality of the detailed research proposal.
Timetable The anticipated timeline is as follows but please note that these dates may be subject to change:
  • Invitation for preliminary proposal: by Friday 30 September 2022
  • Deadline for preliminary proposal: 5pm, Monday 14 November 2022
  • Invitations for full proposals: by Monday 9 January 2023
  • Deadline for full proposals: 5pm, Monday 6 March 2023
  • Awards finalised: May 2023


You can download full cost guidelines  and read the full tender document relating to this call. If you have any questions relating to this grant call, please contact the Research team via email: More information on how to register via Flexi-Grant. To register under this grant call, please apply here Apply


If you have any questions relating to this grant call, please contact the Research team via email:

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