£6000 for Children with Cancer UK
I remember running at night, in the pouring rain, tears streaming down my face and realising I could overcome, that this time would pass and I was stronger than our situation. I trained for my first ever marathon whilst in that grotty B&B. Others asked why I was still running, fundraising for others when I had such a dire situation myself. I think I needed to, it drove me, pushed me to realise the strength I had and to pull myself out of the depths of despair- a little dramatic perhaps but I needed to remember that I had been through worse… that others were still going through worse. I am so proud to say that we have raised around £10,000 for children’s cancer charities. £6000 of that has been for Children with Cancer UK. My husband, the man I love who I nearly lost to depression, is going to run his first ever marathon for Children with Cancer UK as he takes on London. Between us we want to run 2018 miles in 2018. A big challenge for two people who wouldn’t run for a bus just three years ago. How things change! I want to be on that team so much. I just know that with guidance, I can overcome my marathon doubts and demonstrate the strength that got me through those times. And more importantly, we can keep fundraising for a cause that is so very important and smash through our challenge in 2018.
This article was reproduced by with permission from author, [Terri] and was originally published at: Got to Run Mum