Fundraiser of the Month: Ben

What’s the fundraising challenge you set yourself and why? 

I’m a huge football fan and Sports Secretary for the Sunderland AFC London Supporters Branch. I was playing in an 11-a-side game a couple of years ago when I met my counterpart from the Newcastle fans branch on the other team. Anyone who knows even a little about football knows how intense the rivalry is between Sunderland and Newcastle; it’s one of the fiercest derby games in the UK. We had a chat after the game and decided it would be a great idea to arrange a charity football match between the two clubs’ London Supporters Branches. Both clubs have massive support across the whole country, so we felt it would give us a chance to really publicise the event and hopefully raise plenty of money for the cause. 

How much money have you raised so far?

The current total stands at £1569.70, which is brilliant. 


Why did you decide to fundraise for Children with Cancer UK?

There’s a famous quote from the legendary Liverpool manager, Bill Shankley, that football is more important than life and death. As poetic as that idea is, it just isn’t true; some things are a lot more important than football. But that doesn’t mean that football can’t act as a powerful force for good in the world. I’m sure everyone has heard the story about the young Sunderland fan Bradley Lowery, who captured the nation’s hearts with his optimism and love of life before he sadly passed away in 2017. Bradley’s story transcended football rivalries, and brought together fans of football clubs across the country to pay respects and support the foundation that bears his name. We felt that supporting Children with Cancer UK would be a great way to honour that legacy, in the spirit of bringing big rivals together for a common cause. 

How’s your challenge going? If it’s completed – how did you find it?

We played the game on the 11 January. It was a great occasion, with a good turnout to watch from fans of both clubs and plenty of strong tackles, as you’d expect from a derby game. Happily for us, Sunderland managed to come away with a 1-0 win, but we’ve decided to make the game an annual event, so Newcastle will be looking to get their own back next year. 


What would you say to anyone else who is considering taking on a fundraising challenge? 

Just go for it – it’s honestly one of the most rewarding things you can do. You hear plenty of incredible stories about people whose lives have been impacted by cancer but they still manage to achieve amazing things, and it’s hard not to be moved and inspired by it. Charities like Children with Cancer UK play a crucial role in supporting these brave young people, and I think that contributing towards them is a really rewarding feeling, even if you haven’t personally been impacted by cancer in your own life. 

If you would like to raise money in aid of Children with Cancer UK, we’ll help you every step of the way.  Start fundraising today
