Fundraiser of the Month: Chris and his marathon challenge

Chris’ Great North Run and Virgin Money London Marathon challenge

Chris was diagnosed with Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), a rare type of tumour, in his small bowel in 2019. He went through surgery in early 2020 to remove the tumour, but subsequently found out the cancer had already spread to his liver, and is unfortunately incurable. This would be a blow for anyone, but Chris hasn’t let this news stop him. In fact, he’s chosen to take on a running challenge – this autumn he will be taking on not just the Great North Run, but also the Virgin Money London Marathon. He says:
The Great North Run is my local event, I ran it a few times before I became ill and it’s an event that’s just so special. The atmosphere is like nothing else, so I jumped at the chance to do it again. The London Marathon is another level! It’s a real bucket list event for me, I’ve often entered the ballot but never been successful. I don’t know how many “healthy” years I’ve got left, so I wanted to run this year while I’m still able to put in the time and effort.
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Chris started his fundraising and training at the beginning of February, and he’s already raised more than £4,600– smashing his fundraising goal early on in the training process. All of our fundraisers have their own motivations and reasons for taking on a fundraising challenge for Children with Cancer UK. Chris tells us:
I know how hard cancer can be for anyone, but I’m an otherwise strong and healthy 41 year old who has plenty of life experience. I can’t begin to imagine what it’s like going through this as a child. I’ve got three young kids myself and I don’t know how I would cope if any of them were having to go through this. There’s not a great deal I can do about my cancer, I put my trust in my amazing doctors and the medication, and otherwise try to stay positive and busy. But by raising funds now I hope I can help children and their families going through cancer treatment in the future. I hope one day we can cure cancers and nobody need go through the gruelling treatments that most of us have to at the minute – and until then I hope amazing charities such as Children with Cancer UK continue to be able to work with kids and their families when they need it most.
Chris – you’re a true inspiration, and we’re so impressed with everything you’ve already achieved! If you’d like to follow Chris’ marathon journey you can follow him on @gotthegistofit on Twitter, and check out his fundraising page here. Visit Chris’ fundraising page
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