Vintage tractors and a Santa suit
Brian and his wife, Anne Marie, run a private collection of vintage and industrial machinery called Hill Street Vintage Collection. Each year, at Christmas, Brian dresses up as Santa himself and travels around town on one of the collection’s vintage tractors visiting various care homes in the area and stopping at multiple locations so the young children can have a meet and greet with Santa. As part of their little Santa road trip they choose different charities to fundraise for, and last year they raised an amazing amount for their local food bank. This Christmas, they have kindly chosen to support Children with Cancer UK, and we are incredibly grateful. Brian says he chose Children with Cancer UK because:
I want to raise awareness of the cause, and help children and young people with cancer to ring their end of treatment bell.On the 12 and 19 December Santa will be visiting local villages in Northamptonshire on his tractor – don’t forget to give him a wave if you spot him and his helper! We would like to say a big thank you to Brian and Anne Marie for choosing to support Children with Cancer UK this Christmas, and for organising Santa on a tractor for their local community.