Aimee's Story

Our world fell apart

Aimee was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia in January 2016 after having bruises and uncontrollable bleeding to her gums – she’d lost teeth in the previous months. We were absolutely devastated when Aimee was diagnosed with AML. Our world fell apart. Aimee was taken to our local hospital after a rash appeared on her legs. The next morning we were a patient and family of Ward 84 in Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH). Aimee underwent a gruelling course of chemotherapy, blood and platelet transfusions as well as antibiotics when she picked up infections. After six months Aimee achieved remission.

A bone marrow transplant

Unfortunately in September 2016 Aimee relapsed and had to go through more treatment to prepare her for a possible bone marrow transplant the following year. Thankfully Aimee achieved remission again and her transplant was arranged for January 2017. Her transplant ‘cord blood’ came from Australia and the operation went ahead on 24 January 2017. Over the past two years Aimee has been in hospital approximately 18 months, with some visits home when she was well enough.

A complication from the transplant

We were ready to come home in March 2017 but unfortunately Aimee was then diagnosed with Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) which is a complication from the transplant, which made her very poorly. After treatment for this, Aimee was finally able to come home after spending 117 days in hospital. Our family and friends rallied around to support us and help with childcare for Aimee’s little sister Tilly. Aimee’s dad was unable to work during this time so it has had a massive impact on us all, not only mentally but financially too.
Aimee girl with sister on chair

Aimee’s message to other children

Aimee loves art, drama and listening to music. She is now thriving at high school and she has lots of support from her school. The school is in touch with us regularly. Aimee continues to be fit and well despite some mild side effects from the chemotherapy such as weak limbs. The doctors have advised that complications from the transplant can happen at any time. Aimee’s message to any child going through a similar situation is to keep fighting. Our message to the families is to take it one day at a time, try to remain positive. No matter how hard it gets, you need to be strong for your child. Research into childhood cancers is absolutely vital. We have met so many lovely families on Aimee’s journey who have lost their beautiful children to this terrible disease. Joanne, mum, March 2018 Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Treatment
Aimee Robinson girl with red top and glitter

Update May 2019

Aimee is doing really well both in her health and at school. Considering she missed half of year five and six, her first two years at high school have been fabulous. Her grades, effort and attendance have always been spot on and at a recent parent teacher meeting I was told she was ‘head girl’ material! Her efforts have been awarded with trips abroad to Croatia and she’s off to either France or Italy later in the year. She’s been recognised as one of the top 10 children in her class for her effort and as a result got to enjoy afternoon tea with her classmates courtesy of her school. Recently Aimee’s Dad walked 21 miles from Coniston in the Lake District to Barrow in Furness raising funds for CCLG. Aimee walked the final three miles alongside him! Aimee continues to have six monthly oncology appointments and her next one is in June. These are always anxious moments, but they continue to be positive. We’re very much looking forward to a family holiday to Spain in the Summer.

Update March 2021

Wow, a lot has happened since our last update in 2019. We enjoyed our Spanish holiday in August 2019 and we were also very fortunate to be nominated for a holiday of a lifetime to Disneyworld, Florida in September 2019. Aimee’s oncology appointments were moved to annual appointments and she also had appointments for late effects and for growth which continue every six months. In 2020 we enjoyed spending time together at home as a family due to coronavirus lockdown, although the home schooling was a bit tedious at times. Great news came at Aimee’s annual appointment in January 2021, when Aimee was fully discharged. We are all over the moon with this positive news. Aimee is now in Year 10 and currently studying towards her GCSE’s in 2022. She would love to pursue a career in design engineering or architecture. End of Treatment Bells are placed into hospitals for children and adults with cancer to ring after their gruelling treatment.
Aimee looking at camera wearing a stripped coloured top (1)

How you can help

If you’ve been touched by Aimee’s journey, help us invest in the high quality research that really matters which would otherwise go unfunded. This helps to support children with cancer so they can be with their families for longer. Donate Now       Fundraise Here

Have you or a family member been affected by childhood cancer?

Many of our supporters have been affected by childhood cancer – either through family, friends or their own personal experience. These patient stories can help inspire others to get involved with us, or can support our media work. If you have a story that you would like to tell, please contact us by email.

Aimee ringing the End of Treatment Bell

This is Aimee ringing the End of Treatment Bell. Ringing the bell is a milestone. It means that a child has finished their course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment and is ready to continue their life.

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