First hospital visit
Unfortunately, the next day, he woke up again, vomiting and feeling unwell. This was definitely the first sign that something else was going on, but at the time, I thought it was a little strange because it had never happened before. I put it to the back of my mind and again, just continued to assume it was a tummy bug. The next day, he was no better and by Saturday night I was starting to feel that something wasn’t quite right, especially as I noticed his vomit now looked very different and like nothing I’d ever seen with any previous tummy bugs. He was also pale, had no energy at all and struggled to even walk to the toilet. This was when I decided to call 111, as I also suspected that he was dehydrated and needed some fluids. They advised that he needed to go to hospital, so I called a taxi and off we went to our local hospital. My husband stayed behind with our older son, Sam, who was 10 at the time and I’ll never forget telling him as he woke up with all the commotion ”Don’t worry, he’ll be fine, go back to sleep” words that would later haunt me for a very long time.
Words that would later haunt me for a very long time.