A biopsy – and the diagnosis…
I had a biopsy and then we had to wait and wait for the results.
Results day arrived. I was nervous when we walked into the room. Straightaway, when I saw more than one doctor and the looks on their faces, my gut was screaming at me.
The doctor looked at me and said: “I’m sorry, but it is cancer”. I will never forget those words but I was thinking ‘no he has it wrong, I’m 14, I can’t have cancer’. He said they would need to do surgery and then discuss other treatment, which may not be needed since the cancer had been caught early.
I went home and was in shock. I just hadn’t expected it. The next day I thought ‘why me? what did I do wrong?’ The hardest part was still to come; I had to tell my friends and family. But how? Once I had told them of course they were upset and worried, but were so supportive.