Bethany's bone cancer story

Bethany’s bone cancer symptoms

I was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called periosteal osteosarcoma in 2010. I was only 14 years old.

My bone cancer symptoms started with an ache and I had a very small lump on my left leg, just under my knee. But, being a dancer, I thought nothing of it, and doctors said the aches were growing pains.

The lump grew fast and was the size of a tennis ball in no time. My GP sent me for an urgent X-ray and then I was quickly referred to the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. It all happened so fast that I didn’t know what was going on. But in my gut, I knew what it was.

A biopsy – and the diagnosis…

I had a biopsy and then we had to wait and wait for the results.

Results day arrived. I was nervous when we walked into the room. Straightaway, when I saw more than one doctor and the looks on their faces, my gut was screaming at me.

The doctor looked at me and said: “I’m sorry, but it is cancer”. I will never forget those words but I was thinking ‘no he has it wrong, I’m 14, I can’t have cancer’. He said they would need to do surgery and then discuss other treatment, which may not be needed since the cancer had been caught early.

I went home and was in shock. I just hadn’t expected it. The next day I thought ‘why me? what did I do wrong?’ The hardest part was still to come; I had to tell my friends and family. But how? Once I had told them of course they were upset and worried, but were so supportive.

family of 3


The big day arrived and I had to go in for surgery. I remember going there thinking ‘I may leave here with just one leg’. And that, I couldn’t accept.

It took five hours, but the doctors were able to save my leg and successfully remove all of the tumour.

They said that I didn’t have to have any other treatment, but I did have a long road to recovery ahead of me as the nerves in my leg had been damaged. They had also done a bone graft taking part of my growth plate and a lot of muscle.

I wanted to dance in my show

I wanted to dance in my show in two years but the doctors said that I wouldn’t be ready in time. I was determined to prove them wrong so worked hard every day.

Two years later I was in the show dancing, cartwheeling and doing the splits and handstands! The doctors were amazed and said that I should be using crutches!

young girl

Beating cancer

I wasn’t going to let cancer beat me, I was going to beat cancer. Yes, I still fear that it will come back one day but I am closely monitored at the hospital, and doing well.

I have met and lost people along the way, but I now fight for myself and them. I want to help them by supporting charity work so that we can beat cancer for good. 

I am now 18 years old and have been clear for almost five years. I have finished a dance BTEC at college and am at university studying Dance Education.

Bethany’s bone cancer story update – 2015

I was struck down by illness again and had to leave the university in March 2015. I had developed a neurological disorder.

I have managed to use the time I have been out of dance to pick myself up, not give up and follow my dreams. Alongside a lot of physiotherapy, I am now in the process of setting up my own dance company.

If it wasn’t for my doctors at the RNOH in Stanmore and current research, I wouldn’t be here today and wouldn’t be able to do all of this. Even though I had bone cancer and went through some tough times with my fight back, the experience has in a way helped me.

It has made me look at life in a new light, appreciate what I have and take each day as it comes. I know too well that anything can happen around the next corner.

Bethany was diagnosed with periosteal osteosarcoma when she was 14

How you can help

If you’ve been touched by Bethany’s bone cancer story, help us invest in the high-quality research that really matters which would otherwise go unfunded.

This helps to support children with cancer so they can be with their families for longer.

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