My treatment
Almost immediately I was being treated. I had tubes inserted all over the place, seven operations, four bouts of chemo and only a 50% chance of survival. I still have the scars from my Hickman line on my right side of my chest and my neck, a constant reminder of what happened to me all those years ago. Luckily I don’t mind having scars! I can remember a surprising amount from being ill, like pulling out my hair in front of horrified diners and my grandmother (who nearly fainted!) in the hospital cafe, throwing up on a nurse I didn’t like and hiding under the bed when a nurse tried to take some blood and they ended up having to come under the bed with me to take the sample! We lived at the hospital for five months and through my mum’s birthday, but were thankfully we were out just before Christmas. I don’t have many side effects, although I did have a drug that could have possibly seriously damaged my heart, but thankfully, all I have is one slightly weakened heart wall. Also, ever since my first lumbar puncture, I get very bad pain in my legs when I’m tired, but no-one is quite sure why.