Eva's story

A rare children’s kidney cancer

On 10 November 2013 we took our precious daughter Eva, then 18 months old, to the emergency doctor. She had shown worrying signs she wasn’t well.

The doctors at the hospital seemed quite concerned, but we didn’t really know why. However, after further tests and scans the doctors confirmed that Eva had something called a Wilms’ tumour, a rare children’s kidney cancer. At this point Eva’s life changed forever.

We were quickly referred to hospital and Eva remains under their excellent care.

Over 400 procedures so far…

Over a year on and Eva has had over 400 different procedures. Eva has had more than 40 rounds of chemotherapy, two major surgeries (including the loss of a kidney), three minor surgeries, and two rounds of radiotherapy.

She has had countless blood transfusions and dressing changes as well as hundreds of blood samples taken. Eva has had numerous ambulance rides and has spent months in hospital. She has endured scans, stem cell harvesting, high-dose chemo and a stem cell transplant.

family of four

Thank you, family and friends, for your support – fantastic care from the NHS

We have been supported by amazing family and friends. All of these displays of support and help have allowed us to remain positive through what has been, and continues to be, a very difficult and challenging time. Thank you all!

The hospitals, doctors and the NHS have been amazing, offering a wealth of experience and expertise. We have seen how Eva’s treatment has been specifically tailored to her individual circumstances with the consultants offering Eva new and experimental treatments.

(August 2015)

little girl posing

Update on Eva, now four years old

Eva is now four. She’s had her yearly post-treatment check-up and, as you can see from the photo, is doing really well!

(May 2016)

little girl

Eva is doing well – she has just finished reception class. She is full of energy and has just started gymnastics classes. She loves to swim and adores her brothers and her dog Max. We have had a fabulous holiday to Disney Florida this year and we continue to enjoy life and have fun together.

(July 2017)

Eva standing by a wall

July 2019: Update from Eva’s Mum

Eva is now 7 years old and she is doing really well! She really enjoys singing and dancing and recently took part in a catwalk fashion show! She is such an amazing little girl and tries so hard at school.

Eva still has regular check-ups at the hospital and it has been 4 years since she completed her treatment. She is loving life and enjoys spending time with her brothers and her dog Max!


Update: January 2024 

Eva is now 11 years old and has just started secondary school. She loves to sing and dance and attends her local stagecoach theatre group and has just started ballet lessons. Eva makes us so proud every day, she is so strong and resilient and always tries her very best!

Eva 2024

How you can help

If you’ve been touched by Eva’s journey, help us invest in the high quality research that really matters which would otherwise go unfunded.

This helps to support children with cancer so they can be with their families for longer.

Donate Now       Fundraise Here


Have you or a family member been affected by childhood cancer?

Many of our supporters have been affected by childhood cancer – either through family, friends or their own personal experience. These patient stories can help inspire others to get involved with us, or can support our media work.

If you have a story that you would like to tell, please contact us by email.