The symptoms
Frankie started showing symptoms of leukaemia at around eight months old. Frankie was spiking temperatures on a weekly basis, had night sweats, no energy and developed a purple pin prick type rash on the backs of his legs (this was actually a low platelet rash). I took Frankie to the doctors with these symptoms many times, but I was just told it was “viral” and to continue life as normal.
In December 2016 Frankie had not long turned one, he was still not crawling which rang alarm bells as he appeared to have no energy at all and was sleeping far more than he should at that age. I had noticed the purple pin prick rash had spread to his ears. I made an emergency appointment that morning and was seen at my local GP. The doctor who assessed Frankie said she thought Frankie had meningitis and called 999 for an ambulance, in the meantime the nurse gave Frankie the injection to start off antibiotics for this.