Admitted to hospital
We took Isaac to the drop-in centre because of his persistent backache. They examined him and said they didn’t think there was any bone injury to his back and shoulder but agreed he looked very unwell and his temperature was very high. Our GP’s surgery is next door so they called over and asked if a doctor could see him immediately.
The GP was concerned so, on 22 January 2016, we were referred to Peterborough hospital and admitted. Blood tests, examinations and X-rays didn’t really assist as they all seemed pretty normal and not consistent with the child who presented in agony and looked awful.
The stay in hospital was particularly distressing for Isaac. He hated it. He hated any procedure, any doctor or nurse speaking with him and was generally miserable and more and more grumpy! He also seemed to be getting progressively unwell. The complete opposite of his normal self.
As they were struggling to diagnose, the hospital planned an ultrasound scan for 27 January 2016. Because of how distressed Isaac had become in the hospital, the doctors agreed that he should have a night in his own bed at home and return early the next day for that scan.
The ultrasound scan again showed nothing wrong. His blood test results were all still normal except for a marker showing he had either an infection or inflammation that seemed to be getting worse. So an MRI was arranged for the whole of his back to try once and for all to work out what was going on.