The day I knew I had a spinal tumour
I still remember that night like it was yesterday, it was quite late, we had not long been home from my M.R.I, and whilst we were having tea, my mum’s phone rang. She came back into the room trying to hold back her tears and said it was the hospital, I needed to pack a bag and go straight back in. I can’t even begin to describe the overwhelming, crippling fear I felt while packing that bag. All I could think was it must be bad if it can’t even wait until the morning. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to hear. After waiting for what felt like forever on a dark, empty ward having to sit through endless family history questions and tests, multiple doctors trooped in. They told me and my parents that I had two tumours on my spine. I sat, absolutely terrified and in utter shock, it felt like I’d just been sucker punched in the stomach, I just shut down. The three of us just sat crying and cuddling each other and all I could think was ‘why me’? You never believe it will happen to you.