It started with a terrible wheeze
Lewis was taken for a hospital appointment for a wheeze two days before his first birthday. I had been taking him back and forth to the GP’s since he was six weeks old, with what they assumed to be reflux.
Lewis would vomit after feeds and it was much worse at night. His wheeze was so bad that sometimes it sounded like he couldn’t breathe properly.
I was told the wheeze wasn’t a concern, but after ten minutes in the paediatrician’s office, she had found a lump in my baby’s tummy. I could even cup it in my hand. I was so shocked that I hadn’t noticed it before, as I had never sat with him facing out before!
I was told what they expected the lump to be. I was on my own as I’d told my partner not to worry about missing work as it was only an appointment for a wheeze. It was incredibly unexpected and scary.