Lucie was only five weeks old when we realised something wasn’t right
Lucie was born at the end of July 2016 and seemed like a healthy, happy baby. However, just five weeks later when the health visitor came over for a check-in, I mentioned to her that Lucie hardly woke up, wasn’t feeding well and had some big veins in her head. The health visitor rang our GP surgery and we were sent down within a few hours. The doctor checked Lucie over, gave me a letter and sent us straight to our local hospital.
At that point, I knew it was serious. I rang my husband at work to meet me at the hospital. When we arrived we saw lots of doctors and Lucie was given a CT scan which revealed that she had a mass in her brain. It was all such a blur.
The next day we were blue lighted to another hospital where we were met with more doctors. Lucie was given an MRI scan and we received the news that it was a brain tumour along with hydrocephalus (a build-up of fluid on the brain).