Baby Lucy
Lucy had already beaten the odds, due to complications before she was born. So, when she came into our world, the first 11 months were just bliss. We were so grateful to have her in our lives.
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Lucy had already beaten the odds, due to complications before she was born. So, when she came into our world, the first 11 months were just bliss. We were so grateful to have her in our lives.
Then during an ordinary nappy change at bedtime, we found blood in her nappy and knew right away something was wrong. From that afternoon everything changed. They found a 7cm Rhabdomyosarcoma in the vagina and we were suddenly in the hands of specialists, making life changing decisions about her fertility and getting ready to start the first of nine rounds of chemotherapy.
Absolutely nothing can compare, only the families and members of staff actually know what that’s like. I remember in one of our early meetings with our oncologist I had a list of questions, such as ‘what clothes should we pack?’ and ‘where can we park?’. On the list I had also written ‘is this terminal?’. As a parent, to even ask this question is unthinkable. Luckily, we had such amazing support, guidance, and advice from these wonderful and caring experts, that we got through it.
Molly, her big sister, is eight and absolutely adores her baby sister Lucy. It was incredibly hard on her because she could not see Lucy when she was in hospital because of infection risks. John and I would take turns to be in the hospital overnight and be at home, so Molly only had one parent around at one time. A few times between chemotherapy rounds, Lucy became unwell and had to go back into hospital. This mostly happened during the night. Molly would be woken and taken to her grandparents. Very upsetting for a child. Luckily Molly’s school was amazing; they really helped and understood.
I’m so happy to say now, that after seven months, Lucy was officially declared in remission on the 5 April 2023. We are starting to return to a gentle, careful, ‘normal’ family life. Until Lucy gets her immunity fully restored, we need to be extra careful still. But we are together as a family. Lucy’s hair is growing back and she no longer needs any special medication.
However, Lucy is not out of the woods, she is having regular scans and monitoring. This will go on probably for the rest of her life. But that’s a comfort, so we know where we stand. John and I are so grateful to all the wonderful people we have met during this experience. All the charities, support from our family, friends and even strangers who gave us gift baskets of biscuits and socks really made a difference. Lucy is just adorable and makes us laugh every day. Especially when Molly and Lucy get up to mischief.
Rene, Lucy’s mum, May 2023
Things have been going really well. We held a fantastic cake sale at our eldest daughter (Molly) ‘s school – we had so many amazing donations of cakes and we were able to bake some ourselves. All cakes were sold and we raised £231.71. We also have a Just Giving page up which so far has accumulated an amazing £677. We have also received a number of donations from family which takes all fundraising to well over £1,000. We’re really happy with how things have been going and look forward to being able to give this money to the amazing Children with Cancer UK to put to good use. We’re looking forward to planning our next fundraiser.
John, Lucy’s Dad, July 2023
If you’ve been touched by Lucy’s journey, help us invest in the high quality research that really matters which would otherwise go unfunded.
This helps to support children with cancer so they can be with their families for longer.
Many of our supporters have been affected by childhood cancer – either through family, friends or their own personal experience. These patient stories can help inspire others to get involved with us, or can support our media work.
If you have a story that you would like to tell,
Patient Story – Dulcie
Dulcie was diagnosed with stage 4, high-risk neuroblastoma on 9 December 2021, when she was just five years old.
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Thomas was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on 4 May 2022 when he was just two years old. His
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