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10 children and young people are still being diagnosed every day in the UK.

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Stanley's Neuroblastoma Story

Finding the tumour

 Stanley started showing signs of mobility issues one week before his first birthday. We decided to take him to our local hospital after being advised that it could be a viral infection. Stanley continued to decline in his mobility before we attended our local hospital on his first birthday and we were then taken via ambulance to a specialist hospital. The following day an MRI was taken and we were given the awful news that they had found a tumour on Stanley’s spine. Within six hours he was in surgery to relieve some of the pressure on his spine. This was an awful time for us having to wait whilst he was in surgery. Thankfully, the operation was successful. They managed to remove a lot more of the tumour than expected and within 48 hours Stanley was crawling again.

Stanley in hospital bed with tube

It was surreal

Unfortunately, during these 48 hours we were given the news that Stanley had Neuroblastoma. Our whole worlds were destroyed as you never believe any child, let alone your child, will have cancer. We were advised we would be treated under a major children’s hospital where we attended the following week for a lumbar puncture and to meet Stanley’s consultant. This was a very surreal situation as we had never attended a children’s hospital before. We were advised Stanley would have four cycles of chemotherapy and an operation to end treatment. Thankfully, at the end of his fourth cycle his MRI showed the tumour had reacted well to the chemotherapy and it had shrunk so they decided to delay the operation in the hope the tumour would continue to shrink.

Stanley holding hands with parents

We continue to worry every day

In June 2023, Stanley had his central line removed and rung his end of treatment bell. In July 2023, after three months of no treatment, a further MRI showed the tumour was continuing to shrink. Stanley will remain having three monthly MRIs. Stanley is thriving after having his central line removed, he can now enjoy all the things a little boy should be able to. As a family we continue to worry every day and will always pray for positive news. We want to raise awareness so people know cancer in children is not as rare as you think.

Victoria, Stanley’s mum, October 2023 

Stanley smiling in football t shirt

How you can help

If you’ve been touched by Stanley’s journey, help us invest in the high quality research that really matters which would otherwise go unfunded.

This helps to support children with cancer so they can be with their families for longer.

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Have you or a family member been affected by childhood cancer?

Many of our supporters have been affected by childhood cancer – either through family, friends or their own personal experience. These patient stories can help inspire others to get involved with us, or can support our media work.

If you have a story that you would like to tell, please contact us by email.