Intense treatment begins
No one ever dreams of being told the terrifying words, your child has cancer. However, strangely that day there was a form of relief knowing that someone was finally listening to us and offering to help our very poorly little girl.
The first eight months were particularly tough, with regular high dose chemotherapy, blood and platelet transfusions, contracting viruses and infections; there were many admissions and hospital stays. Suki suffered numerous side effects from the various stages of treatment and due to her suppressed immunity she could face a hospital admission at any time.
Her size and shape drastically changed as a direct result of her chemotherapy treatment. Her steroid medication caused her weight to balloon, yet the daily chemotherapy meant she experienced constant nausea and has suffered from much vomiting as a result of all the treatment, which at times caused rapid weight loss. She lost all her hair and her skin became pale and sensitive.