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Thomas' Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Story

The diagnosis 

We were out at an indoor play area where we noticed Thomas holding his tummy and saying he was getting tired. Thomas has so much energy, we thought that this was a bit odd. The following day, Thomas has tiny red spots on his thighs. We were unsure what they were so we went on as usual. We noticed they weren’t going away so we took him to A&E. That evening we were told the news that Thomas is having to be blue lighted to hospital as the bloods came back as abnormal. This news broke myself and Thomas’ Daddy (Sam). We never thought this would happen. In May 2022, Thomas was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. The news shocked us as a family. Thomas had only just turned two years old.

Thomas in bed with nose tube

Entering the maintenance stage 

The first part of his two-year treatment plan was very intense: in and out of hospital, many procedures that had to be done under general anaesthetic and a lot of different chemotherapy. However, Thomas took it in his stride and smiled throughout it all. Since starting the treatment, Thomas has reacted so well and we have been so lucky that he hasn’t been very poorly with all the chemotherapy he has been on. The only time which was unexpected was when Thomas lost the use of his legs. He had to be carried everywhere which was horrible to see. After a few months of physiotherapy and having his lower legs in casts, Thomas eventually learnt how to walk again. But not just walking, running everywhere he goes!

Thomas with leg casts in hospital bed

Living a new normal 

In March of 2023, Thomas entered the maintenance stage where we could start living our new normal. Thomas has gone back to nursery, making new friends. He has been incredible during this very difficult time and he really is a superhero. The first time we went home after the diagnosis was surreal. Starting our new normal was and still is extremely scary. The maintenance stage does come with its downsides and we still are going into hospital when Thomas gets a fever, which is every few months and can be rather frustrating. However, every day he wakes up with a smile and has so much energy.

Natalie, Thomas’s Mum, November 2023 

Thomas and parents at the zoo

Update: March 2025 

Thomas is now  8 months after the end of treatment and is now in Reception at primary school. He is thriving and doing things that a normal 5 year old does. He still has monthly appointments at hospital for check-ups and to see how he is doing. 


Thomas in school uniform at the front door.

How you can help

If you’ve been touched by Thomas’ journey, help us invest in the high quality research that really matters which would otherwise go unfunded.

This helps to support children with cancer so they can be with their families for longer.

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